40+ Tooltips Scripts With AJAX, JavaScript & CSS - Electronik-Pro, Informatica, Noticas,Wordpress,Facebook,Hacking,Programas,Hosting,Dominios

Usuarios de la web el amor pistas informativas. Todas las preguntas y malentendidos pueden ocurrir - la entrega de respuestas precisas de inmediato es la tarea principal de una interfaz de usuario sensible debe ser capaz de hacer frente. Para ello, los desarrolladores tienen que considerar la información sobre herramientas sutiles y bien pensado - se utiliza correctamente, puede mejorar la experiencia del usuario y ayudar a los usuarios a hacer las cosas. En la Web como "sensibles" sugerencias pueden ser proporcionados por la información sobre herramientas. Campos, por ejemplo, de entrada claro en los formularios web son perfectos ejemplos de una situación que podría estar dispuesto a utilizar un texto de ayuda para.

La mayoría de las soluciones son JavaScript y AJAX, sin embargo, también hemos logrado encontrar algunos ligeros basados ​​en CSS soluciones. Para instalar y usar el guión, a menudo es suficiente para incluir la biblioteca de JavaScript en el código fuente y dar la pista como texto sin formato en el "título"-atributo. A veces también puede insertar las direcciones URL, imágenes, tablas y otros elementos - en el fondo, puede ser casi todo lo que siempre había querido que fuera.

  • Nice Titles Revised
    An improved Nice Titles Tooltip Script with Accesskeys support.
  • A lightweight prototype based JavaScript tooltip
  • Nice Titles
    A classic. The script uses a background image.
  • AJAX-enabled Help-BalloonsHelp windows in baloon-design. AJAXified version is also available.
  • jTip – A jQuery Tool Tip
    Extensive AJAX-based tooltips with numerous functions and presentation possibilities.
  • jQuery plugin: Tooltip
    Enhances the jQuery Library.
  • qTip
    Works for all elements, not only for links in most browsers – IE 5.5+, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
  • Form field hints with CSS Tooltips
    t’s a basic example of how helpful a little JavaScript and CSS can be in a form. Instead of the input hints always showing and potentionally cluttering a very simple form, only the hint for the currently focused input will show. This article will show a way to do this.
  • JS Tooltip
    Displays customizable tool tip message for each link element on a web page. A tool tip that can be added to the anchor element unobtrusively by adding a class value to it. This was done by having the tool tip message pull from the specific title attribute of the anchor element that the tool tip was added too.
  • BoxOver
    Flexible DHTML-Tooltipp in numerous formats. Appears (almost) immedately and fades in during loading.

  • SuperNotes
    Converts footnotes to tooltips. Appears immediately and can be assigned with a fixed position in the browser window.

  • Tipster
    Multifunctional tool tips with JavaScript.
  • 5 Tooltips by DHTMLGoodies
    First version is suppose to improve the usability of online forms:

  • The second technique uses AJAX.

  • Walter Zorns JavaScript, DHTML Tooltipps
    These tooltips can be used for different purposes; the code is well-documented and can easily be improved and modified.

  • clueTip
    This is a demo page for the new clueTip — a jQuery-based, AJAX-powered tooltip. The clueTip plug-in was inspired by Cody Lindley’s jTip script.
  • Mootools Tooltip
    Mootools Javascript example of using tooltips.
  • Sweet Titles
    JavaScript Fading Tooltips.
  • Hover Tip
    Tooltip with menu-like capabilities. The tooltip layer will remain visible while the viewer hovers over it. This allows you to place clickable links inside tooltip content.
  • Multiline Tooltip with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    This document explains how to make nice multiline tooltip for HTML documents, using simple and standard CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
  • overLIB
    This JavaScript-library can be used in a variety of ways; many positioning and appearance features are available.
  • Scriptaculous Effect.Tooltip
    The tooltip script from the script.aculo.us library.
  • Tooltip.js
    Tooltipps with AJAX. The library uses the Prototype JavaScript Framework. The demo doesn’t work any longer.
CSS-Based Solutions

Further Solutions

  • Snap.com
    Snap gives you a visual preview of each result before you click on it. And that improves your odds of picking the right search, without clicking back-and-forth several times.
  • DHTML Tooltips
    Popup a help tip or information layer onmouseover using this object-based DHTML tooltip code. The basic version, presented on this page, can contain plain text or rich html, images, or images and text. The tooltip can be displayed over a background image. It can move with mouse movement. And it is easy to customize and modify.
  • Animated Tooltip Javascript
  • DOM Tooltip
    DOM Tooltip Script-Library
  • Yahoo! UI Library: Tooltip
    The Yahoo! UI Library Toolbox provides among other functions also tooltips.
Tooltips: WordPress-Plugins

  • WP – Bubble Tooltips (Plugin)
    A WordPress-Plugin can change the appearance of links. Based on Bubble Tooltipps developed by Web-Graphics.
  • FancyTooltips
    Further WordPress-Plugin with similar functionality.
  • Fancy Tooltips
Selected Scripts: Quick Overview

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